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Greenman Bushcraft Mini Fire Striker
Greenman Bushcraft Mini Fire Striker

Greenman Bushcraft Mini Fire Striker

£3.325 Inc VAT
(Approx $4.3067)
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Possibly the most important survival and bushcraft skill is that of fire lighting. As well as being a fundamental bushcraft skill, it is also great fun to learn and our mini firesteels make this an engaging and entertaining experience for both youngsters and adults. The mini firesteels are made by Greenman Bushcraft, and each one has been designed to be compact for survival kit storage, but they are equally useful for use with children wishing to learn these skills as the handles are small and comfortable for them to use. Our firesteels are great for use by scout troops.

Greenman Bushcraft Mini Firesteels

Each firesteel is of a high-quality, and yet much cheaper than some of the brand names. In terms of form, function and quality, they are the same, but lack the large price tag, meaning that they are fantastic value for money whilst being every bit as reliable and easy to use.

The firesteel rod (ferro rod) is 4.5mm wide and 40mm long. Each firesteel will last for thousands of strikes if used correctly, so they are by far much cheaper than lighters or matches, and they will work faultlessly in any environmental conditions. Simply strike the rod with the steel scraper provided, or the back of a blade to create a hot shower of fire lighting sparks. We recommend using the side of the steel striker for scraping rather than the toothed end, as children will find this much easier to do and it will also create even ware.


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